Your Online Invoice

Cash Receipts

Cash Receipts online Create a Cash Receipt

Cash Receipts

Expenditure <br />Cash Receipts online Create an Expense Receipt

Price Quotes

Price Quotes online Create a Price Quote

Delivery Notes

Delivery Notes online Create a Delivery Note

Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders online Create an Order

Order Forms

Order Forms online Create order form

Handover protocols

Handover protocols online Create handover protocol

Work Journals

Work Journals online Create work journal
Faktury Online has more than
0 unique users
We’ve already created more than
0 invoices and other documents

Faktury Online is an intuitive billing website that lets you issue invoices, receipts, expenditure receipts, price quotes, delivery notes and orders simply and easily.
With Faktury Online, you can create professional looking documents quickly and efficiently. Invoice data is automatically populated for registered users, and it takes less than a minute to issue an invoice. Use your own logo, add a signature stamp, even issue invoices in a foreign language. Faktury Online has been created exclusively in accordance with regulations, laws and customs within the Slovak Republic and the EU.

Create a free account Document samples

What you’re saying about us

„Sme firma, ktorá sa zoberá vývojom webov a online marketingom. je cenovo dostupné riešenie, ktoré nám poskytuje prehľadné podklady pre účtovníctvo.“

IT Helps, s.r.o.
IT Helps, s.r.o.

„Faktúry online sú najlepší nástroj. Rýchlo a jednoducho si viem vypísať faktúru na diaľku aj cez smartfón.“

Róbert Briestenský, živnostník
Róbert Briestenský, živnostník

„ sú pre nás skvelý nástroj na generovanie faktúr pre naších klientov, vďaka ktorému sme ušetrili množstvo času, ktorý by sme strávili vývojom vlastného riešenia.“


Faktury Online gives you


Issue professional, clear documents and impress your clients – no handwriting or form-filling necessary!


Save time and issue an invoice in one minute using autocomplete. Forget about annoying recurring listings.


A streamlined solution for sole traders and small businesses. No more investing in expensive and complicated accounting software you’ll never use – generate all the documents you need quickly and simply.


Never mislay your paperwork again. All your invoices in one place, to revisit, edit, print, email, or download whenever you want.

Faktury Online offers

QR code 'PAY by square'

QR code allowing your customers to pay invoices easily by mobile phone.

Docs in foreign languages

Documents can be issued in Slovak, English, German, Czech, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Polish, Italian, Russian, Norwegian or Danish.

Your logo and stamp

Use your company logo or signature stamp in your invoices.

Document statistics

Statistical overview of issued and paid invoices and financial documents.

Price list

without sign-up


invoice no need to register

invoice invoice no ads and watermarks

invoice invoice save your invoices to PDF


within sign-up


invoices data autocomplete

invoices speedy, fuss-free invoicing

invoices lists of clients and companies

invoices lists of documents

invoicessend invoices by email

invoices export lists to Excel

invoices statistics

invoices invoices in foreign languages

invoices custom logos and stamps

invoice Faktury Online API


paid version

3,00 € /month

after one year of free use

free for non-profit organizations

free for charities

free for civic associations